Recruiter.hr software offers you all kinds of video interviews
Most of them are very simple to handle and users can start a video interview or a video meeting basically in just one click. That is why they are also called „one-click interviews”. All the video interviews or meetings are of unlimited duration. In Recruiter.hr system you can find the following online video services:
- 1. Online video interview with a job candidate
- 2. Panel video interview with a job candidate (more employer's representatives – one candidate)
- 3. Group video interview (more candidates - one or more employer's representatives)
- 4. Conference video meeting
- 5. Video answers to specifically asked questions
- 6. Online video proctoring


Online video interview
PURPOSE: The interview is the most common method of evaluating a job candidate. Online video interviews have existed before, but were popularized during the Coronavirus pandemic and introduced as a rule in most companies’ HR departments. Online video interviews are usually combined with an online psychological assessment of candidates’ work competencies, often done by psychologists employed in highly traditional (banks) or highly advanced (IT) sectors, as they are aware of the competitive advantage of identifying job candidates’ psychological work competencies. During the online interview, and after online testing, it is possible to ask candidate questions suggested by the Recruiter.hr software which are based on the test results and you can enter them directly into the Recruiter.hr software as well.
RECRUITER.HR SOLUTION: Next to every candidate based in the assessment group there is an option of video meeting. The administrator or HR manager simply clicks on the gray box (monitor) to schedule the video meeting and the date is automatically sent to the selected candidate via e-mail message. If the date of the meeting is within a few days, the job candidate will receive interview reminders on a daily basis. The candidate can access the video interview panel with one click on the video meeting link – without any passwords, complications or unnecessary installations.

Panel video interview
PURPOSE: Panel interview usually refers to an interview with multiple interviewers and one job candidate. In this way, employers secure themselves from the bias of one interviewer, usually in the final selection rounds. The panel interview could be a waste of time for multiple interviewers to be included and is usually avoided in the initial stages of the selection process and for the lowest working positions.
RECRUITER.HR SOLUTION: Next to every candidate based in the assessment group , there is an option of video meeting. The administrator or HR manager simply clicks on the gray box (monitor) to schedule the video meeting and the date is automatically sent to the selected candidate via e- mail message. A meeting link can be sent to colleagues as well, but if they are already enrolled in the Recruiter.hr system they can get a meeting invitaion in few clicks. Administrator or HR specialist needs to choose the candidate by marking the box next to candidates name, and choose „schedule a meeting” option at the top of the page. After he chooses date and time of the meeting the details will be sent to the candidate and all of colleagues as well via e-mail. If the meeting date is scheduled within a few days, the system sends interview reminders to interview candidates on the daily basis , as well as to all the representatives of the employer who are enrolled in the Recruiter.hr system and who are invited to the meeting. Everyone can access panel video interview with one click on the video meeting link, without any passwords, complications or unnecessary installations and there is also no time limit.

Group video interviews
PURPOSE: A group interview usually includes one or more interviewers and multiple job applicants. This way we usually look for candidates who need to become team leaders, salesmen, sales managers, key account managers, or candidates who must appropriately impose themselves in a working organization on an already existing and formed team of employees.
RECRUITER.HR SOLUTION: In the assessment group that contains all the candidates, CVs and test results, the administrator or HR manager simply chooses candidates with whom he would like to conduct a group video interview by clicking the box next to candidates picture. After selecting candidates for a group interview, clicking on the “Schedule appointment” button at the top of the page he can choose the time and date of an interview which are automatically sent to all selected candidates, via e-mail. If the meeting date is scheduled within a few days, on the daily basis the system sends interview reminders to interviews candidates, as well as to all the representatives of the employer who are enrolled in the Recruiter.hr system and who are invited to the meeting. Everyone can access a group video interview with one click on the video meeting link, without any passwords, complications or unnecessary installations and there is also no time limit.

Conference video meeting
PURPOSE: Online video meeting of HR department or all employees in a smaller company. Online video meetings were popularized during the Coronavirus pandemic and introduced as a must have for most businesses where there is no need for direct contact with customers or clients.
RECRUITER.HR SOLUTION: Our clients have the option to hold conference video meetings, in a very simple way without additional passwords or tools, without limiting the duration of the meeting or the number of participants. Participants are only one click away from accessing the meeting and they can automatically receive information about appointment as well as appointment reminders (if they are enrolled in Recruiter.hr). If they are not users of Recruiter.hr software, a moderator still has the option to send them a video meeting link.

Video answers to specifically asked questions
SVRHA: Some business owners and employer’s representatives can find above listed types of interviews as a waste of time, so they may avoid them. However, they can be interested in pre-recorded video answers to the asked questions because they can control the time they spend on watching the recorded answers and still get valuable information about the candidate.
RECRUITER.HR SOLUTION: In just a few clicks, employer or HR specialist can select wanted interview questions for their job candidates who then record their video answers through Recruiter.hr software using a camera on their computers, tablets or cell phones without additional technical requirements or information skills. Employers review video responses when they find the time, and the added benefit is that they do not have to watch the video responses in full. For example, if in the first few seconds they find out that a candidate is not a good fit, they move on to the next candidate. In addition, video responses are recorded for each question separately, so the employer does not have to watch one long video, but can only focus on the questions that he seems most interested in. Simple and easy, and it brings a lot!

Online video proctoring
NOTE: Because of innovation, the unique name of this service, which is already used in our country and in the world, has not yet been determined. Psychologists like to call this service “supervised online testing,” while others often refer to as “monitoring the progress of testing” or “remotely monitoring the completion of tests.” In the world, the most common name is video proctoring, which is combined with various imaging and recording modes when performing tests or so called real-time video monitoring.
PURPOSE: Ensures the reliability of test results, that is, prevents cheating on online tests with other methods that ensure the reliability of results as well.
RECRUITER.HR SOLUTION: It is possible to online monitor participants while they are solving tests, during the whole process, without any limitations. Of course, participants need to have access to a device with functional video camera (laptop, cellphone, tablet) which they will use for test solving while being monitored. While participants are solving tests, it is possible to warn them if they are doing something unallowed, either in writing through text messages or by voice.