Talent platform for psychometric assessments
eliminates unconscious bias from your hiring process

Applicant Tracking system with psychological testing and all kinds of video interviews
With our system, you can test candidates regardless of their location with the option of taking pictures and filming (while candidates take the tests) that can protect from a potential fraud. Everything in line with GDPR! In addition, you can also see the video responses, that are easily filmed in our system by candidates, to the questions you have set before!

Publish job ads in 2-3 minutes on all web pages
Posting a job ad can be simple and easy! We offer you textual templates for your ads that you can easily edit and publish on every major business portal. You can literally publish it in a few minutes, and if you’ve ever completed a PR form for the CES, you will know how much time it takes and what we are talking about! An additional bonus is free postings on a few local or international business portals such as Jooble.

Gathering of all submissions from any web page to one place
Straight after publishing your ad, all job applications are gathered in one place. You can send group messages, test and rate candidates, watch their video responses, check communication etc. Cluttered mailbox or ten different Excel tables can remain in the past! With our system everything is sorted and ready for you to start your selection process.

Testing candidates online
You can test candidates no matter where they are. Option of taking pictures and filming candidates will protect you from potential frauds. All in line with GDPR! We test candidates with questionnaires and tests that are constructed with scientific psychometric methods and tested on thousands of candidates in real selection processes for real jobs over the past few years. With the mentoring of the Doctors of Science in the field of psychometry from two Croatian universities.

"One-click" video interviews and video responses to your questions
There are all kinds of video interviews in our system. Each of them are unlimited in number of participants and duration. The moderator (i.e. the one who invites the participants) is the only person who needs to enter the code and the others simply click the link! The following interview options are available: video interviews with the candidate, conference video interviews, “online proctoring” or monitoring people online at the same time as they are solving tests with the possibility of oral and written communication during video proctoring, and video responses to your questions. If someone cannot waste time on all the interviews, there is an option to submit questions for candidates to answer. Candidates easily, in just a few clicks, record video responses in our system, and you can take a look whenever you want. The advantage is that you do not have to watch video-responses completely if you have already realized in the first few seconds that the candidate is not for you. Also, video responses are shown separately for questions that you previously typed yourself or selected from a list of 300 suggested intervju questions. Simple and easy, and brings a lot of useful information!

Reports, ratings and interview questions
Our system offers tailored reports for certain positions in the company. The psychologist gets a report with professional interpretations and expert views of the results, while, for example, managers can get simpler text descriptions of candidates. For live interviews, the questions that arise from the test results are offered and can be automatically entered in the form for answering during the interview. In the same place you enter the desired salary, ratings, comments, etc.

Communication with candidates based on our templates
With our templates you can send messages, invitations or thank-you note to the candidates – individually or in groups! You can easily change and save messages for other upcoming ads. Additionally, you can send automated reminders to the candidates who have not solved the tests or send a thank you note for participating in the assessment. Additionally, the status of the message is automatically displayed: whether the candidate received the message and has he opened it, so you can handle it accordingly .